I wrote the lyrics below to a tune that I love very much, and which I feel expresses the mood very well (see info on tune itself at the bottom of this post).
Send Her To Me
Lord in your word, you said it was
Not good for me, to be a-lone
Yet I’m a-lone, and wai-ting still
For you to move, and your hand to, provide
Oh Lord my God, send her to me
Weary am I, of wa-i-ting
Yet you are good, al-ways to me
So I’m a-ssured, you’re wor-king in, our lives
And if she be, al-rea-dy near
Lord help me not, look o-ver her
But help me see, her as you do
So beau-ti-ful, in eve-ry way, in you
Lord in con-ten-tment let me rest
Until you bring, my love to me
I know your plan, is best for me
So help me rest, with-in your arms, ‘till then
When in your time, and in your way
Your plan’s revealed, to both of us
Unto your side, help us to cleave
And there re-main, one flesh in you, our Lord
The tune is “Hunter’s Glen” by James D. Cram, 1970. It can be found in the 1975 Baptist Hymnal or you can listen (and read the lyrics) at http://www.friendshipbaptistchurch.com/hymn/bphym312.mid (if it does not load correctly delete the “bphym312.mid” and then look for number 312. I will add that the hymn on this site plays MUCH faster than I like to sing it, so you may have to slow it down to get the sense (and for the purposes of this song, it is really better with just a piano or a violin). Below is the sheet music from the original song

Click below to see the video of this song the way I like it played... by me ;)
1 comment:
Hey guys, for all those that don’t read music (and I don’t read it very well), I want to provide a concrete way to follow the song with the lyrics. Thus, I will provide a time breakdown below…
First Stanza Breakdown
1st line – 0-7 sec
2nd line – 8-14 sec
3rd line – 16-22 sec
4th line – 23-32 sec
Stanza Breakdowns
First – 0-32 sec
Second – 34-1:05
Third – 1:06-1:36
Fourth – 1:38-2:04
Fifth – 2:11-2:53
Note: I was trying to play (however poorly) for feel / mood, not for timing, thus the timing not being completely consistent. Blessings in Christ to you all!
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