To the Ground...
Oh Lord my God, I love you, yes I love you
Oh Lord my God, I love you, yes I love you
And I say O Lord my God, I love you, yes I love you
Dear Lord my God, I love you, yes I love you
Oh Lord my God, I love you, yes I love you
Oh Lord I turn at every corner, away from you
Faithful you’ve been, and yet, I run from your hand
You’re so faithful and true, I’m so wicked and vile
Lord you’re both pure, and purity… I’m both filthy and wicked
Oh Lord you’re worthy of all that can give
And Lord I’m not worthy to look upon you
I’m so wicked and vile, how can I call upon you
My voice fails within me, my heart is broken too
And Lord I’m tired of apologizing, again and again…
Lord I’m sorry that I’m sorry once again!
And Lord, I don’t comprehend why you love me
I’m so unworthy of your touch, so unworthy of your heart
You’re so holy and pure, I’m so stained by my sin
I can’t look up to see your face, and yet I know you’re looking down
I can’t reach up, yet I’ve forgotten how to kneel
No longer do I blush when I sin against your name
And no longer do I feel I’ve broken your heart when I have
Oh Lord cut my heart, tear it out, and give me yours
Lord teach me now how to blush, and how to kneel
Break my heart and my spirit…
Oh Lord, help me fall,
-at your feet, let me stay, hold my hand and lead the way
Grab my heart and my mind, lead and guide my every thought
Help me moment by moment to seek your face not your hand
Help me moment by moment to seek your will and not my own
Help me love you with all that I am and I have
Help me Lord to love you and see your face when I’m tempted
Oh Lord when trials come, help me lean on you
Help me seek and find purity in you
Oh Lord turn my heart and my mind, wholly to you
Let them bend and waiver no more
Oh Lord help me now in purity to walk before you
Oh Lord help me sing to honor you in joy and not,
-in pain Lord, let me stand when I sin against you
Yet comfort me quickly, else I perish and return, to the ground
Help me kneel with my face, to the ground…
Ok, though I always have a reason for choosing the pictures I choose to place in my posts (try saying that a few times fast ;), I almost never explain my reason for the choice. In this case, I think the picture fits quite well, but the quality of the shot is such, that I will explain it below. This shot was on a very overcast morning in Cinci, with my old camera. It is a shot of an old tree trunk that had been hit by lightening at some point and been destroyed and lay dead for who knows how long. Now, ignore the sapling closest to the camera (that I could not get out of the shot), and look inside the old, dead tree-trunk… notice there is a fresh, green sapling growing inside the fertile and protected cavity of the decimated tree. I’ll let you take that where you want to, but thought I’d point it out.
Truly there is a reason for everything, if you could only know how much that meant to me, it brings you to tears.
Thanks my sister! This was near the deepest of my struggle right before the revival. God is SO faithful, though we are not. I am in tears right now just thinking about it and reflecting upon how far the Lord has carried me even since then. Why He would love me blows my mind, for I am truly one entirely unworthy, and deserving to die. As we sang this past Sunday, Lord I’m amazed by you!!! Ah, you blessed my heart by leaving this comment; it is so encouraging to me when people do. I want so much to encourage people and to live before them, yet sometimes wonder if I am accomplishing anything. Thanks!
In Christ,
Prov 16.9
Ex 20:20
God is faithful. Amen!
I am so very glad to be a blessing to you, as you have been for me numerous times.
Aww, the countless times that I have said those same words, " Lord I'm sorry that I'm sorry once again."
Truly I can feel the depth of each word.
I'm not sure of the lack of comments at times, but from what I can tell, you have accoplished much, and will continue to according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Psalm 100:2
Hebrews 4:14
Hebrews 10:23
Ahhhh... you're gonna give me a big head! As to the comments, yeah, in truth, I just have to remember that I am writing for the Lord and for myself and living for the Lord and others. Thus, it really doesn’t matter. Yet, at the same time the humanity kicks in and if I am to be totally honest, sometimes I wonder. I do not see where I have accomplished much, but perhaps that is because I truly haven’t! If that is the case, then it is cause for rejoicing!!! At the same time, it is comforting and encouraging to hear sometimes, so once again, thank you so much… you are an encourager!
In Christ,
A Truly Simple Servant and Humbled Friend
John 3:30
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