John 3.19; Acts 26.18).Before I move on to the second point, please understand that, for the sake of this illustration, I will not speak / write in a scientific sense. The second, and main, thing that I meditated upon, was the speed at which the sun rises. I-26 goes from East to West in fairly straight line. As I said, I began driving at 70 mph before sunrise pretty much due West. When I looked in the rearview mirror at different points it was totally dark at first. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the sun began to rise, with me still traveling as fast as the law would allow. It was to no avail though, no matter how fast I traveled, the sun rose and overtook me. Before I knew it, it was light. In the same way, the judgment of Christ will overtake all those who are in the darkness. No matter how hard a person may try to run, it is all in vain. This is a sad thing to me, as so many that I know are without him, but regardless of my feelings, the truth stands.
Related to this meditation is that of timing. When exactly is sunrise? To a person standing at point A, it may be X, but to a person standing at point B, it may be Y. How does one know it is sunrise and at what point can one say this exact moment is sunrise (and that the previous moment was not and the next moment is not)? Sunrise is a tricky thing. We have no doubt when it is mid-day or evening (unless you are on my sleep schedule, then you have to check the clock ;). These are solid times that are easy to recognize. We also have no doubt when it is night, but it is difficult to define the sunrise. Even with an online dictionary, there are (at least) three DIFFERENT ways to define it. There are clear signs that it is coming. There is no doubt in the observer’s mind that sunrise is coming soon, but when exactly?! Further, there is no doubt in the observer’s mind that sunrise has occurred after the fact. In fact, the whole event is QUITE sudden (Luke 17.24; 21.34). One moment it is dark and (seemingly) the next moment, it is light. May we all be prepared and not come empty-handed!!!
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